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Current Schedule (June - August 2020)


7:00am Matcamp w/Kelly

6:00pm Matcamp w/Kelly


4:45pm Power Yoga w/Abby

6:00pm Gentle Yoga w/Abby


7:00am FIRE Fitness w/Kelly


No Classes


7;00am Matcamp w/Kelly


7:30am Saturday Flow (teachers rotate)


Watch Facebook or the Schedulicity app for pop up classes

Drop in $12
Package of 5 - $45
Package of 10 - $80
Package of 20 - $140


Students (with id)
Drop in - $10
Package of 5 - $35
Package of 10 - $60
Package of 20 - $100

Your first class is FREE, come give it a try!

New to Yoga?

Here are a few FAQ's & tips to ensure everyone has a great experience…

  • Arrive 15 minutes early to give yourself time to park, check in and set up your practice space. Classes are on a first come, first serve basis and some fill up so we recommend booking the class you want to attend online at least 24 hrs in advance.

  • Inform your teacher about any injuries, health concerns or pregnancy.

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during and after class. Water is available in the studio, but please bring your own refillable bottle.

  • Keep it light and refrain from eating large meals at least 2 hours before class. Foods appropriate for pre-class snacking include ones like fruit, yogurt, or light energy bars.  Most importantly, drink plenty of water throughout the day to ensure you are adequately hydrated before you arrive.

  • Bring a mat and towel, but if you don’t have one, no problem! Rentals are available for just $1 each.

  • Wear comfortable clothing and plan to be barefoot. Speaking of bare feet - we love your bare feet.  Please remove your shoes upon entering the studio.

  • You smell great naturally so please refrain from strong fragrances.

  • Be prepared to sweat as we practice in a heated room (90 degrees) for heated classes. Some classes are non-heated and some warm. Check class descriptions.

  • Stay until the end of class but if you need to leave early, please do so quietly.

  • What are the benefits of a heated class? Try bending glass and it will shatter. Add heat and you can mold it into any desired shape. The human body responds to heat in much the same way. The heat is a natural way for your muscles to stretch and it also helps prevent injury. Not sure about the whole sweat thing?  The act of sweating is incredibly detoxifying!  We promise you?ll grow to love it!
  • Is hot Vinyasa Yoga safe for pregnant women? As with any exercise program, the two general rules of thumb are to check with your physician and to listen to your own body for signs of injury or overwork. Please discuss your interest in starting hot Vinyasa Yoga or continuing your yoga practice with your physician.  We also offer gently warmed prenatal classes.  Please check our Special Events page for details.
  • Will I lose weight? Build muscle? The amazing thing about hot Vinyasa Yoga is that it will completely transform your whole body, mind and spirit. If you need to lose weight, you will!  If you need to build muscle, you will!  It all depends on what shift needs to take place in your body to bring it back to its most natural state. This system of yoga torches calories and awakens every cell in your body.
  • You don’t need to be physically flexible to do yoga!  You only need to be mentally flexible and open to new possibilities.  Just show up and focus on letting go, breathing, moving, and honoring where you are today.  You will be amazed that as soon as you let go and simply allow the process to unfold, the tension in your body and mind will too, and your range of motion and strength will increase.
  • How often should I practice? Initially, there is great benefit to completing 10-15 classes in 30 days.  This will give you a solid physical and intellectual base from which to catapult your growth.  For optimal results in gaining energy, decreasing stress and building a strong, pain-free body, consistency is the key to success. A practice of 2-3 days per week, if consistent, will create transformation over time. For life-changing results practice 4-6 days per week.
  • As with anything new, please be compassionate with yourself. Remember it isn’t possible to get everything right away, and even the most advanced yogi is still in the process of learning. Come with an open mind, expect to have fun, breathe, sweat and move. 
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